Example code minting BPros

In the following example we will show how to invoke the mintBproVendors function of the Money on Chain contract in testnet with truffle.

You can find code examples into /examples dir.

const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js');
const Web3 = require('web3');
//You must compile the smart contracts or use the official ABIs of the repository
const MocAbi = require('../../build/contracts/MoC.json');
const MoCInrateAbi = require('../../build/contracts/MoCInrate.json');
const MoCExchangeAbi = require('../../build/contracts/MoCExchange.json');
const MoCStateAbi = require('../../build/contracts/MoCState.json');
const truffleConfig = require('../../truffle');

 * Get a provider from truffle.js file
 * @param {String} network
const getDefaultProvider = network =>
  truffleConfig.networks[network].provider || truffleConfig.networks[network].endpoint;

 * Get a gasPrice from truffle.js file
 * @param {String} network
const getGasPrice = network => truffleConfig.networks[network].gasPrice || 60000000;

 * Get a new web3 instance from truffle.js file
const getWeb3 = network => {
  const provider = getDefaultProvider(network);
  return new Web3(provider, null, {
    transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1

const web3 = getWeb3('rskTestnet');
const gasPrice = getGasPrice('rskTestnet');

//Contract addresses on testnet
const mocContractAddress = '<contract-address>';
const mocInrateAddress = '<contract-address>';
const mocExchangeAddress = '<contract-address>';
const mocStateAddress = '<contract-address>';

const execute = async () => {
  web3.eth.defaultGas = 2000000;

   * Loads an specified contract
   * @param {ContractABI} abi
   * @param {String} contractAddress
  const getContract = async (abi, contractAddress) => new web3.eth.Contract(abi, contractAddress);

   * Transforms BigNumbers into
   * @param {BigNumber} number
  const toContract = number => new BigNumber(number).toFixed(0);

  // Loading moc contract
  const moc = await getContract(MocAbi.abi, mocContractAddress);
  if (!moc) {
    throw Error('Can not find MoC contract.');

  // Loading mocInrate contract. It is necessary to get fees for transaction types
  const mocInrate = await getContract(MoCInrateAbi.abi, mocInrateAddress);
  if (!mocInrate) {
    throw Error('Can not find MoC Inrate contract.');

  // Loading mocExchange contract. It is necessary to compute commissions and vendor markup
  const mocExchange = await getContract(MoCExchangeAbi.abi, mocExchangeAddress);
  if (!mocExchange) {
    throw Error('Can not find MoC Exchange contract.');

  // Loading mocState contract. It is necessary to compute max BPRO available to mint
  const mocState = await getContract(MoCStateAbi.abi, mocStateAddress);
  if (!mocState) {
    throw Error('Can not find MoCState contract.');

  const mintBpro = async (btcAmount, vendorAccount) => {
    const [from] = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
    const weiAmount = web3.utils.toWei(btcAmount, 'ether');
    let btcCommission;
    let mocCommission;
    let btcMarkup;
    let mocMarkup;
    // Set transaction types
    const txTypeFeesRBTC = await mocInrate.methods.MINT_BPRO_FEES_RBTC();
    const txTypeFeesMOC = await mocInrate.methods.MINT_BPRO_FEES_MOC();
    // Compute fees
    const params = {
      account: from,
      amount: toContractBN(weiAmount).toString(),
      txTypeFeesMOC: txTypeFeesMOC.toString(),
      txTypeFeesRBTC: txTypeFeesRBTC.toString(),

    } = await mocExchange.methods.calculateCommissionsWithPrices(params, { from }));
    // Computes totalBtcAmount to call mintBproVendors
    const totalBtcAmount = toContract(btcCommission.plus(btcMarkup).plus(weiAmount));
    console.log(`Calling Bpro minting with account: ${from} and amount: ${weiAmount}.`);
      .mintBProVendors(weiAmount, vendorAccount)
      .send({ from, value: totalBtcAmount, gasPrice }, function(error, transactionHash) {
        if (error) console.log(error);
        if (transactionHash) console.log('txHash: '.concat(transactionHash));
      .on('transactionHash', function(hash) {
        console.log('TxHash: '.concat(hash));
      .on('receipt', function(receipt) {
      .on('error', console.error);

  const bproPriceInRBTC = await mocState.methods.bproTecPrice().call();
  console.log('=== BPRO in RBTC: '.concat(bproPriceInRBTC.toString()));
  const btcAmount = '0.00001';
  const vendorAccount = '<vendor-address>';

  // Call mint
  await mintBpro(btcAmount, vendorAccount);

  .then(() => console.log('Completed'))
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('Error', err);

Last updated