Commission fees values
The value of the commission fee depends on the desired operation and the token used to pay for it. Keep in mind that if the account has balance and allowance of MoC token, commissions will be paid with this token; otherwise commissions will be paid in RBTC.
The exact percentage of the commission is set in the variable commissionRatesByTxType (which maps a transaction type with its commission) of the MocInrate contract. The transactions types are constants defined in the same contract. The different valid transaction types are the following:
Mint BPRO with fees in RBTC
Redeem BPRO with fees in RBTC
Mint DOC with fees in RBTC
Redeem DOC with fees in RBTC
Mint BPRO with fees in MoC
Redeem BPRO with fees in MoC
Mint DOC with fees in MoC
Redeem DOC with fees in MoC
Note that these commissions have also a precision of 18 decimals, i.e. a 1 * 10^15 in that parameter means that 0.1% is being charged as a commission.
Last updated