When a transaction is mined, smart contracts can emit events and write logs to the blockchain that the frontend can then process. Click here for more information about events.
In the following example we will show you how to find events that are emitted by Money On Chain smart contract in RSK Testnet blockchain with truffle.
Code example
const Web3 = require('web3');
//You must compile the smart contracts or use the official ABIs of the repository
const MocExchange = require('../../build/contracts/MoCExchange.json');
const truffleConfig = require('../../truffle');
* Get a provider from truffle.js file
* @param {String} network
const getDefaultProvider = network =>
truffleConfig.networks[network].provider || truffleConfig.networks[network].endpoint;
* Get a new web3 instance from truffle.js file
const getWeb3 = network => {
const provider = getDefaultProvider(network);
return new Web3(provider, null, {
transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1
const web3 = getWeb3('rskTestnet');
//Contract address on testnet
const mocExchangeAddress = '<contract-address>';
const execute = async () => {
web3.eth.defaultGas = 2000000;
* Loads an specified contract
* @param {ContractABI} abi
* @param {String} contractAddress
const getContract = async (abi, contractAddress) => new web3.eth.Contract(abi, contractAddress);
// Loading MoCExchange contract to get the events emitted by this
const mocExchange = await getContract(MocExchange.abi, mocExchangeAddress);
if (!mocExchange) {
throw Error('Can not find MoCExchange contract.');
// In this example we are getting BPro Mint events from MoCExchange contract
// in the interval of blocks passed by parameter
const getEvents = () =>
Promise.resolve(mocExchange.getPastEvents('RiskProMint', { fromBlock: 1000, toBlock: 1010 }))
.then(events => console.log(events))
.catch(err => console.log('Error getting past events ', err));
await getEvents();
.then(() => console.log('Completed'))
.catch(err => {
console.log('Error', err);
See getPastEvents for parameters and event structure details.